freedom of play

In the Netherlands, people with a mild intellectual disability are able to participate in society fairly well.
Supported by passionate and competent care providers they lead relatively independent lives, merging into society.
That same indepency however, decreases the visibility of less obvious problems, such as the need for support in individual and emotional development.

Tighter budgets confront care professionals with a heavy workload, leaving little room for the necessary extra attention.

Jewel Kids was founded to give children and adolescents with a mild disability that extra attention, by means of a day trip or a short holyday.

Support us

Interested in improving the joy of life of multiple handicapped children?
Contact us and support a Jewel Kid.

About Us

The Jewel-kids Foundation was founded after my precious son Yohann passed away. He was my jewel, pure and beautiful, with a smile that could light up the world.  He is not with us anymore but remains unforgettable and is my hero.

His memory lives on in the Foundation. We reach out to kids like him, to make them feel loved and special.

The Foundation

The independent board consists of:

  • Jan-Willem Geurts, jurist | 06 14 24 26 24
  • Angelique Bosman, entrepreneur | 06 21 24 63 11
  • Rik Hammer, press officer Bouwbedrijf Heijmans | 06 1881 32 21

Following the by-laws they aim to fulfill as many Jewel-wishes as possible for Jewelkids. A bi-annual day-trip being the main recurring event.

For spontaneous donations
Our banking details:
Account number NL30 SNSB 0783 2822 81
Account name Stichting JewelKids
Interesting documents
Jewel Kids foundation policy plan
Jewel Kids financial 2023
Fragment radio broadcast